SAS Property Tax Payment

Enter 10 Digit Application No (or) PID No (or) 2008-2015 Renewal Application No

(Enter the owner's name with a reference to the aforementioned App/PID No., for eg: 'Bruhat Bengaluru': any three subsequent characters such as bru, ruh, hat, eng, alu)



BBMP is not responsible for any double/ excess payments and Online payment failure / Auto-refunds.
Contact your respective Bank.


The records available on department's website are updated on real-time basis and user need not visit department
to access information on Property Tax dues. The said information is accessible on portal.


Refunds or chargeback requests for property tax payments made through PayU Money
or HDFC Bank will only be processed by the BBMP


Please do not get in touch with PayU Money or HDFC Bank


Please submit a ticket in the Grievance section if you have any questions about chargebacks


List of Bengaluru One Centers for BBMP Property Tax

Hurry Up! Avail benefits like penalty equal to evaded tax and complete interest waiver on all property tax arrear under ‘One-Time Settlement’ OTS scheme .

Zone Wise Top 50 Defaulters List : Click Here
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